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5 ways to take your web design from good to great
5 ways to take your web design from good to great
By Admin

Designing and creating a good website is quite easier today. With many templates, themes, software available as freeware in the market and companies selling domains at a cheaper rate with default plug-ins available, web design has become quick and simple. Even if you need a professional-looking website, one can easily grab a space with a request to the provider.


The urge to get better from the good is due to the tech-savvy people that include the customers too. Every web designer or creator wants a highly-customized site that can take their client’s company to higher levels. Designing a good website doesn’t take much time, but to get a better one, the developer needs to have an enhanced outlook. The developers are looking for perfect designs and templates, that give their website professional look, rather than adjusting with a good look. Better designs and approach makes the website popular and user-friendly.


A website becomes better when it has a user-friendly design, engages better with the customers and users, serves the purpose of the client and performs well without any lags or delays. All these are important aspects to be considered and the designer, developer, and the client must work together for ensuring them all. In today’s competitive world, the importance of SEO and responsive websites cannot be overlooked.


To add depth to the website here are few tips to be kept in mind while designing an engaging and innovative website:


Clean navigation


If you have multiple items on the menu, the navigation might be tougher; hence condensing the menu would be an ideal way. The packed menu item looks cluttered; hence de-cluttering them section wise would be ideal and gives an impact to the customer as an ideal platform to shop from.


Avoid long scrolling pages


Bring on some creative side to your design by adding some blocks of ads and appealing blocks of designing that long scrolls.


Designing a visual hierarchy to the page


Our brain follows the eyes, hence create a user interface that truly draws the customer into the page. Like discounts and free coupons etc., while popping up a tendency to move along that path. In a way, the user will be navigated to the pages in the website.


Easy-to-read website


Data put up on the website must be in a readable format. Using appropriate color combination that suits the reader’s mind must be adapted. Fonts that make you mind boggle must be avoided. Using clear and precise methods of showcasing your content is a must.

Be mobile-ready


Every other person in this tech-savvy world is addicted to mobile shopping and browsing. Keeping this in mind, the company needs to develop a mobile-ready website to suit such demands.


Catering to these demands of the new generation would be an ideal stepping stone to the success of your website in the market.



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